Leaves of Three…

Have you ever heard that saying, leaves of three leave them be? It refers to poison ivy, but I think it kind of applies to our life lately. Daniels’ mom always says that bad things tended to happen to them in groups of three, and we recently had a couple days like that. It’s crazy because for every bad thing that happened, we seemed to be blessed with ten good things! I guess that’s how Heavenly Father works and man am I grateful for that.

So on Tuesday last week Carter took a bad fall off our couch. It was somewhat inevitable since he is a wild child who loves to climb all over everything. IMG_2619The only difference this time was that he landed right on the top of his head. Every time I remember the sound his head made when it hit the floor, I feel sick. It is definitely a sound I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget. After he fell he started acting really strange.  He would slowly wander across the room and sit down against the wall or something. Really disorientated. Definitely not normal. So I called his doctor and they told me that we could bring him in but they would just recommend we take him to an ER so they could do a cat scan to check for fractures and bleeds.

Now to put this in context, I have never ever been to an ER in my entire life. I’ve never broken a bone or fractured anything. One time my little sister got a cut on her head and I was in hysterics because of all the blood. That is how so not prepared I was to take my baby to the Emergency Room!

But that was what the doctor recommended so Daniel got off work and came to take us to the ER. All in all it wasn’t too bad. I didn’t see any blood or people being rushed in on gurneys, like you see on TV. After an hour wait and a million people making me retell what happened, the doctor SAM_2101said Carter was in a gray area. He could do a cat scan but due to all the radiation he wouldn’t recommend it. So we decided to just monitor him and make sure he didn’t get worse.

By the time we left the hospital he was our happy boy again. So we took him out to McDonald’s and got him a Happy Meal (which is a big deal considering this is probably only the second Happy Meal he’s had in his entire life!)

The next day, Carter was fine so I decided to take the car in because I had accidently let the safety and emissions expire last month. I knew we needed an oil change and a new window (due to a crack) but when the mechanic called me back with what needed to be fixed to pass emissions I nearly died! He listed like ten things that needed to be fixed, new tires, new windshield, new rack and pinion for the steering wheel, realignment, fluid flush, new sprayers for the windshield… It came out to over $1600 and that was even getting a good deal on the windshield.

Well Daniel and I had discussed before hand on what our limit for fixing this car was and we had decided that 1,000 was pushing it. We just seemed to be pumping money into a car that was falling apart. So we decided it was time to be grown-ups and invest in a new (used) car. Soooo stressful! I just hate salespeople and I hate how you have to be super careful not to be taken advantage of. I just was not excited for it.

In the end we went to this really great car place where they were not pushy at all and we found the perfect car! Ladies and gentleman meet our pretty new car!

SAM_2069Its a 2010 Mazda 3 and I just love it! It is really gas efficient which is good because Daniel has to drive about 30 mins to work everyday. It only had 39,000 mile on it and will fit our small family perfectly. Did I mention how pretty it was? haha Good thing I have Daniel or I might have just bought the prettiest car on the lot! Anyways, looong story short, we bought a car! (still weird to think about)

So the next day, Daniels bike (which he has been riding to school in the mornings ) popped… Or at least the front tire did.  While this isn’t really that bad of a thing it was still like in a three day period. Carter goes to the ER, our car falls apart, and Daniels bike breaks.

Leaves of three…

Even with all the bad we have been so blessed. Everyone is happy and healthy. Insurance covered most of the ER visit. We were able to afford a new car! And Daniels bike is an easy fix. I guess we are just growing-up and becoming adults. Add that to the list of reasons I’d rather be a kid again 😉



A sweet little baby boy! Oh I’m so excited! I had a feeling it was a boy, and although part of me wanted a girl (to help even the boy to girl ratio our little family has going), I think another boy is going to be so much fun!

We already have a name picked out too:

Samuel Darius Turley

He is already such a cutie. The doctors said everything looks great! He weighs 14 ounces and was super shy during the ultra sound, I guess he wanted to be a surprise/stress mommy out by having to wait. Lol

This pregnancy has been waaaay different from the first one. Hard… Yup that about covers it… No… Wait… Super hard! Although I must be super tough now because according to Daniel this pregnancy has been easier or at least I’m handling it a lot better?

From the start, my morning sickness was non-stop. I spent the good majority of my first trimester laying on the couch, dying… I’ve yet to gain weigh at any of my doctors appointments with this pregnancy. So far I’ve lost 12 pounds and even though that stresses me out, the doctor says I shouldn’t worry; he’s sure I’ll gain all back, and then some.

Craving-wise this baby has been dramatically different. During the first couple weeks all I wanted was carbs! Bread, bagels, pizza crust, you name the bread, I wanted it. Then out of the blue, once the morning sickness subsided, all I wanted was vegetables. I ate salad for like every meal. For those of you who know how much I hate salad, this was a big change.

One weird craving I’ve had with this pregnancy was for Hot Cheetos and cheese. When I was in middle school, it was a popular lunch item. We’d buy a bag of Hot Cheetos and have the lunch lady pour nacho cheese on it. It sounds disgusting and when I ate it again it kinda was, but still delicious. I guess the biggest thing that has changed is my portion sizes. I can’t eat as much as I use to (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing), but it is kinda a bummer. I love to eat!

I’m soo sooo soooo excited now, January 22nd couldn’t come soon enough! (Carter seems pretty excited too, but that may just be the balloon :p)



If you had asked me five years ago, what I expected my life to be like on my twenty-fifth birthday, I don’t think I would have even come close!

I am soo grateful for everything I have been blessed with. I have a fantastic husband who treats me like a queen, an adorable little boy who I love to pieces, and another little one on the way! I get to stay home and play with Carter, as well as try new exciting things like canning! I really am blessed!

This year I got a birthday month, which means I get a present everyday for the whole month!!! Although I have to admit, at only nine days in we might have to call it quits. (Too much spoiling can be a bad thing you know :p) Plus I’ve gained like ten pounds off all the candy and treats I’ve gotten. Lol

Long story short, I love my life and I love all the people who make it so great! Thanks for all the birthday wishes they mean a lot to me 🙂

As usual, here are a bunch of picture of Carter ( mostly for my parents), so enjoy!






