
Today I was filled with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for the life I have.


It really is beautiful.

I’m constantly reminded of my Heavenly Father’s love.


He hears and answers my prayers.

I am truly blessed.

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Angels We Have Heard on High

This past week has really been a challenge for me. Daniel started feeling “a little” sick on Tuesday, which meant that I of course got sick the next day. The only difference is that I got hit like a truck! It always seems to happen that way with sickness around here but at least this time I can blame it on being pregnant. So for a few days I felt pretty bad, add to that my back pain, pelvic floor pain (maybe tmi… oh well), and (random) constant thirst (which inevitably led to constant trips to the bathroom… allll night long) and you could say I was pretty miserable.

But do you want to hear something happy?

I woke up this morning and all of it was gone! Totally and completely gone! I haven’t felt this good in weeks! It sure opened my eyes to what I was taking for granted. Anyways, I was just super excited to finally feel normal for a little bit. 🙂

Well, today was stake conference so the timing for feeling better was perfect! I sat through the whole meeting and my back didn’t hurt once! It was an excellent meeting, we got a new stake presidency annnnd got to hear from a member of the seventy and Elder Oaks! We ended up going to the stake center to watch the broadcast of the meeting because it is right across the street from our house and we figured if Carter couldn’t last the whole two hours we wouldn’t be disturbing as many people.

About half way through the meeting we were about to sing the rest hymn and the sound from the broadcast turned off. The entire meeting was being translated into ASL so we could see the interpreters start to sign the song and a few ladies in our congregations started singing (they were sitting near us and were really good singers btw). Soon the whole congregation was singing Angels we Have Heard on High but a capella because we still had no sound from the broadcast. Then, the broadcast froze and shut off completely, but everyone continued to sing. It was so beautiful listening to all the parts being sung and without a piano.

However as we got closer to the end of the song I began to wonder what we were going to do if they didn’t get the broadcast up and running again. Would we all just have to go home? Well, during the last verse and last few words of that verse, the visual and audio came back and guess what? We were EXACTLY in sync with the broadcast. Isn’t that amazing? I was just so touching, it made me cry. Maybe I’m just a cry baby these days or maybe you just had to be there, but there was just something about it that was so powerful and reminded me of faith and how truly amazing the gospel is.


Regionals and March Madness

So on Saturday Treasa told me that our stake was trying to put together a basketball team or two to go to regionals. At first I was reluctant to commit because quite honestly I’m not a good basketball player. Daniel says I’m a great shot, buSAM_1541t put a defender in front of me and *BAM* suddenly I’m a terrible shot.  And don’t even ask me about how well I can dribble the ball…

Anyways I finally decided to commit. So we went to a practice on Tuesday and it was lots of fun. Sure we were no professional team with plays and whatnot, but man there are some really good players in our stake. Well after a great practice, we had two teams and our first game on Thursday.

Fast forward to today. Game Day. We had all eight people on our team show up, and we were pumped (I was really scared…). The other team only had five people show up so we were a little bit excited that we could just wear them out and win. HA! Little did we know that they were on a team that has gone to regionals and won ten years in a row.SAM_1548 Ten years!?!? Seriously??? So pretty much just getting out there and playing was an accomplishment.

I went out confident because Daniel and I had practiced my shot before, but I still did terrible… Oh well I made one basket! I even fouled twice*. I thought we had a great team! I only got to play with these lovely ladies twice (I didn’t know any of them besides Treasa until Tuesday) but I think I made some great friends. They were all good sports and quite honestly better at the game then me.

In the end we lost 34-12 (I think) not bad for a one practice team 😉

In other news/the reason I have to post this blog tonight instead of tomorrow afternoon sometime, we checked our March Madness Brackets when we got home. I’m in the 100th percentile baby! Woot woot! UntitledCalled three upset (including Harvard). Daniel, who is in the 50th percentile, has now vowed never to make a bracket against me again. haha There’s something about knowing nothing about basketball that really makes for good bracket picking! I can’t wait until Baby Carter can make a bracket too… Then we’ll both smoke Daddy :p

*Sidenote: For the record BOTH of the fouls were terrible calls aka not really fouls. And an interesting fact; the referee was Daniels’ 10th grade math teacher who wouldn’t let him sign up for concurrent enrollment in math because he had a B, not an A. He later ended up taking the AP Calculus test and passing. We now both have grudges against her… lol

Thanksgiving Break

It’s been a while! Apparently WordPress has changed since I last posted… Weird. Anyways this is just gonna be a quick catch-up post. 20121130-094444.jpg

This year for Thanksgiving we went to Grandma and Grandpa Carters house. We went up a day early so we could get some extra time “being the favorites” and whatnot. Carter got to watch T.V. which apparently is his favorite thing to do? I don’t know why, we don’t even have T.V. at our house and he won’t watch movies with us. I think its gotta be all the commercials, he was literally glued to the sceen during the commercials. I don’t think we’ll be getting cable any time soon.

All in all, we had a fantastic time at Grandma’s. We played games like Hand & Foot and Bang, ate tons and tons of turkey and ham, and just had a care-free relaxing day with the family!20121130-094510.jpg I may have forgotten to take pictures all day, so you get this: Baby Carter in his millionth outfit of the day, chilling with Daddy. He thought it would be fun to get all the clothes we brought him dirty.

Then on Friday we went to the Turley Thanksgiving party. We were a little late and ended just eating the massive leftovers. Who knew I still had room for more food? Carter especially liked the sweet potatoes. (I probably definitely didn’t take any pictures here either. I’ve been really bad with the camera lately.)


Then on Monday for Family night we went to Temple Square to see the lights! It was soooo cold! Carter was in his stroller under tons of blankets. I think it was the first time he just laid there and didn’t try to escape, he could tell it was too cold to get out from under his blankets.

Lucky for you I actually took pictures! Enjoy!


This is the best picture I got of me and Daniel, sad I know.

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I tried to get a picture of Daniel and Carter but he was too enthralled by the lights to look at me.


We may have let him touch one of the lights. No worries the second he tried to rip it from the tree we took it away. haha


Man if only double chins were cute on everyone…

And just for fun, Baby Carter still trying to crawl… He may never get the hang of it… lol


What Matters Most

Yesterday for family night, we watched this video.

I love President Monson, he is such a sweet and sincere man. This video really brings to light the importance of family and friends. Those we care for the most are sometimes the ones we forget to thank the most. I often get so wrapped up in cleaning the house, doing the laundry and dishes, and making sure dinner is ready to go when Daniel gets home (which rarely happens), that I forget what is most important.

When Daniel gets home and Carter is fussing, dinner is barely started and the house is a mess, I sometimes spend all my time beating myself up for not being better that I forget. I forget that Daniel loves me and doesn’t care if I sometimes don’t get everything done. I forget that he too had a long day, maybe not taking care of a baby, but working and going to school full time, so that I can stay home. I forget to thank him and tell him how much I care for him. I forget what matters most.

Thanksgiving seems to be one of those holidays that really gets skipped (at least in the retail world). It seems as soon as Halloween is over, Christmas stuff is immediately up for sale. I guess it kind of makes sense, you can’t buy gratitude, and isn’t that what Thanksgiving is all about?

I am so thankful for all the people in my life who do and care so much for me! I’m thankful for a loving husband who sometimes needs to remind me it’s okay not to be perfect. I’m thankful for my baby boy who loves and needs me, even when I feel like he is all grown up and independent. I love and miss my family in California but am so grateful for all the love and support they offer. I don’t know how many times I’ve called home bawling about something or other and they are always so willing to take the time to listen. I am also super thankful for Daniel’s family. They all have really welcomed me into the family. I never thought I  would be so close to my in-laws, but I truly consider them part of my family. I’m thankful for friends, new and old, they do so much for me sometimes I feel like thank you isn’t enough.

Finally, I am thankful for my Heavenly Father. He has blessed me in so many ways. I can’t imagine my life without him. He hears and answers my prayers, and I know that without his help and guidance I would be lost in this world.

So for this month, and hopefully for every month to come, I want to remember what matters most. To say I love you more. To help others often. And never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.

Food, Food, and did I mention… Food?

Poor Carter looks terrified!

This weekend was a pretty eventful one. Daniels’ younger brother Ferrin, went through the temple on Friday for the first time. I wasn’t going to go because of Carter, but I finally mustered the courage to let Daniels sister Jamie take care of him. It was really stressful for me to leave him. I know, I know, he’ll be fine, but I’ve only ever left him with “mom” supervision… Basically if there is another mom around then I feel like it’s okay… Jamie is not a mom… therefore, it was stressful.

Yay Ferrin! Only two more months!!!

Anyhow, after I left my munckin at the bakeshop with Jamie, we headed up to the Bountiful Temple. It was a busy and HOT day! There were cars lined up down the street. Turns out three other temples were closed so Bountiful was super super busy. I think someone said there were like 19 weddings there that day! wow!

The temple was fantastic! I don’t think I’ve done an endowment session since a couple months after me and Daniel got married. It was lovely. After the session, Treasa took some picture outside of the Temple, of Ferrin. I had my camera so I had to take some too! Laura was feeling a little jealous that Ferrin was getting all the attention so I took a few pictures of her too!

Laura’s very jealous face…

After pictures we headed down to The Golden Corral where all your eating dreams come true. So don’t judge me but The Golden Corral is Carter’s favorite place to eat! haha He’s only three months old but I’m pretty sure he’s been there like 7 times! It’s just the place that people (mostly my family) take me and Daniel to eat. Saturday was the first day we actually paid to eat there… if that makes it any better. We’re social eaters, don’t judge.

After stuffing our faces until we were ready to pop we headed up to Morgan where my Grandma and Grandpa Carter live. My family had left their tennis rackets at my Grandparent’s house when they came to visit, and they wanted us to bring them to Cali in two weeks when we go to visit them. So, what better excuse to go up and stay with the Grandparents.

Carter in his Sunday best!

It’s always so nice and relaxing in Morgan. I love it! Annnd did I mention they always feed us really well while we’re there. They have a pretty good sized garden, so me and Daniel when out on Saturday and picked some of the raspberries. Mmm they were good!

On Sunday, we got to sleep in because my grandparents church isn’t until one! It was nice, but I wouldn’t want to do that every week. Its like you lose the whole day sleeping. We had french toast and bacon for breakfast. Sooo yummy.

During church Carter was being a menace. My grandparents told me that my uncle Bret hated church and would cry every time they drove by the church building. I don’t know how they handled that! My Grandpa said they still went but it wasn’t fun. I’m hoping Carter was just having a bad day…

Leaning forward to get a better look at Muffin

After church Great Grandpa came to dinner and Carter loved it! He gave him a great big smile right off the bat! Carter is really lucky to have a Great Great Grandpa and I’m glad they at least get to see each other, even if Carter may not remember later.

Carter also loved Muffin, my Grandparents’ dog. This visit was the first time he even acknowledged her presence. He had a good time checking her out from a distance…

For dinner, we had ribs, baked potatoes, coleslaw, and cornbread. There was sooo much food! And my Grandpa kept saying,” There’s still some ribs left, Daniel you need to help us out and eat it!” haha He bullied Daniel into eating another baked potato and two more ribs… He then proceeded to bully me into splitting a cornbread with him! haha He’s sooo funny!

He was even helping Daddy hold the remote! Sooo cute!

When it was time to leave my Grandma send us home with two bowls of pudding with fruit on it annnnd a big container of cut up watermelon and cantaloupe… we are sooo spoiled.

That night when we got home we decided to play a little Mario Party. Daniel told Carter to “pick” a team. Of course he wanted to be on Daddy’s team! (offended) haha Little did he know Daddy’s team would be the losing team. Next time he will hopefully be a little more wise and pick “the winning team” aka Mommy’s team lol

It was a good weekend, but now I think I’m gonna have to eat only salad until I digest all the massive amounts of food I ate!

Life is like a box of chocolates…

white chocolate to be more specific… I don’t particularly care for milk or dark.

So lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about life and all the blessings I have in mine. I have a wonderful husband who works hard to make sure that we always have everything we need, want, or desire (minus a puppy… but I’m working on it :p). We have a beautiful baby boy, who rumor has it is the easiest child in the history of the world… or so they tell me. We have amazing family and friends who are always there for us. We have been blessed with sooo much it’s sometimes overwhelming (but in a good way).

Well, even with all these blessings, these past few days have just been… hard days. You know, the kind of day where you just don’t want to do anything… Thank goodness for Carter, or I’m pretty sure I would just have stayed in bed all day. Maybe I’m the only person who gets this way, but sometimes I just am not feeling it… The worst part is that I don’t have a reason to feel this way. Everything is amazing in my life, nothing is going wrong or bad, like I said before, we are very blessed.

So last night when as I was starting to fall asleep, I took a deep breath, but was cut short. There was a sharp pain in my chest and every time I tried to take a deep breath, it hurt so bad, I just couldn’t. I tried to breathe deep a few more times… each time being met with the same sharp pain in my ribs and the wind being knocked out of me.

Obviously, I’m the level headed one in this relationship!

Well, knowing me, and the calm, cool, collected person that I am (just look at this picture if you don’t believe me), I started to hyperventilate and told Daniel I was gonna die. It hurt so bad I really thought I was! All I could think or even say was, “I’m not ready to die!” Daniel, at this point, stepped in. He, rather sternly, told me that I was in fact, NOT going to die and helped me calm down so I could breath again.

Turns out that it was just an air bubble in my chest (Daniel told me that’s what it was last night, but I didn’t entirely believe him so I looked it up… he was right), nothing serious but man did it hurt! But, as much as it hurt, I’m glad it happened. I learned something very important… I’m definitely NOT ready to die…

It got me thinking that maybe I need to change the way I live and the things I do, so that if the time ever came, I would be ready. That’s not to say that if I was ready I’d just give up and die. I  just want to be the BEST person I can and strive to bring happiness to all those around me, so if my time did come, I’d be okay with it. I know, I know… that’s how I should be living everyday, but sometimes you just lose perspective. You forget how short life really is…

Today in the news, there was a story about a shooting that happened in Colorado. They said it was the biggest shooting since 2009. At least twelve dead and fifty injured. The people who died, were at a midnight showing of Batman, when an armed man broke into the theater and started shooting. In a statement about the shooting, President Obama said, “As we do when confronted by moments of darkness and challenge, we must now come together as one American family. All of us must have the people of Aurora in our thoughts and prayers as they confront the loss of family, friends, and neighbors.” This tragedy really puts things into perspective… for everyone.

Life is too short. In an instant you could leave behind all the people you love. And while I know eternally, families are forever, I don’t want to leave them with a shadow of a doubt; of my love for them or of my faith. So here’s a resolve to be a better person than I was yesterday. To smile more, laugh often, and always remember my Savior and the sacrifice he made for me.

No one is perfect, but we can all strive to do and be a little better. One day at a time, with the help of those we love and our Father in Heaven, I think we can all be prepared for the inevitable day when we leave this earthly life and return back to our heavenly home.

I Love to See the Temple

For those of you who may not be familiar with Latter-day Saint Temples, click here to learn more.

This Friday, Daniel and I had the opportunity to go to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple to do sealings with our new ward.

It was wonderful! 

The temple is such a beautiful place, where the spirit is so strong. I love going to the temple and being able to just sit and ponder. It’s so crazy because outside of the temple in was raining and super windy (go figure, for the middle of July), but inside the temple it is so peaceful and still… you’d have a hard time feeling that peace and stillness anywhere else. I love it!

I love the song from the Children’s Songbook book called I Love to See the Temple. In the second verse it says:

I love to see the temple. I’ll go inside someday.
I’ll cov’nant with my Father; I’ll promise to obey.
For the temple is a holy place, Where we are sealed together.
As a child of God, I’ve learned this truth:
A fam’ly is forever.

I’m so thankful that I have the opportunity to be sealed to my family forever. I love the gospel and all it’s principles that help me grow closer to my Heavenly Father. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, and I am sooo grateful and blessed to be a part of it.